Our Team

Adam Hale - Regional Manager

Taylored Legacy

Top Reasons to Join Our Team

  • One of the fastest growing teams in the country with the blueprints to duplicate our success!

  • #1 Agency & Final Expense Insurance Company in the Nation.

  • Timing & Market - For the first time in U.S. history, older adults are projected to outnumber children by 2035 according to the United States Census Bureau.

  • Lincoln Heritage issues 98% of their written business.

  • Lincoln Heritage has same day advances.

  • Leads, Leads, and More Local, Exclusive, Fresh, In-House Leads waiting for you!

  • No limit on income or growth. The top manager started at $19,000 year and in the past 7 years has gone from $25,000 a month to over $225,000 a month. YES THAT’S RIGHT OVER $2.7 MILLION A YEAR!!

  • Residual Income Opportunity. I can show you how I broke $1,000,000 in my first 32 months. You can potentially do the same.

  • Lincoln Heritage provides Health & Dental benefits for you and your family for agents with qualifying production.

  • Exotic company incentive trips for contest winners.

  • Own your time, schedule and freedom.

Mike Stambaugh - Regional Manager

Jack of all trades, master of NONE… Sound familiar? After years of flipping houses & ‘peddling’ real estate, working as a journeyman ironworker before that and then driving an ambulance for a local fire department among other things; I decided to get my insurance license. It was early 2010. I met Adam Hale later that year and per his recommendation I went out in the field with him and watched him quite easily sell 5 policies in roughly 6 hours. I was blown away… He asked me if I wanted to keep going and I said “Nope. I’m good. I’ve seen enough. Take me to my car!”

I started selling final expense insurance for Lincoln Heritage & Taylored Legacy in October, 2010. I recall selling 15 or 20 apps that first month but the very next month – November 2010, I sold 49 apps for just shy of $23,000 in annualized premium working about 40 hours per week. And I had never sold a final expense policy before that in my life prior to October, 2010. I sold another $20,000 the very next month in December 2010 working the same # of hours. I grossed $22,000 in about 2.5 months finishing out 2010. I then went on to gross roughly $132,000 in 2011 (my first full year).

I later became a District Manager in early 2012 and grossed roughly $180,000. In March of 2013, I became one of 13 Regional Managers. I finished out 2013 grossing $305,000. As I write this, it is January of 2015 and we just received our year end numbers for 2014. My group wrote 8,048 applications for $4,582,532 in annualized premium. And what was my gross income for 2014? A little greater than 10% of that number… North of $467,000 – Not too bad in 4 years! Seriously, where else can you do that? Oh yeah, and on top of that, I’m sitting on about $1,350,000 in residuals.

Bottom line: This business is not easy and it is certainly not for everyone but it is simple. Plug and play… IF you will commit no less than 100% to this gig and IF… you are determined, persistent, disciplined and highly motivated; this business can and will change your life like it has mine. You are a business owner here. This is not a J-O-B (just over broke). It is your business and your career. Control it, master it and FOCUS! Don’t try to be all things to all people and be that ‘jack of all trades’ for the next 10 or 20 years… Most millionaires in this country focus on one, single NICHE, striving to be the BEST at ONE thing with ONE company. Well guess what? We represent ONE company that happens to be number ONE at what we do, selling ONE product on a ONE page application. Can it really get any simpler? I love this business and I love this company and I am both humbled and grateful to be associated with the best of the best in the world of final expense!

Caleb Hale - District Manager

I attended Sacramento State on a football scholarship. When I graduated a year ago, I had no work experience at all. I decided at that time to get my insurance license. Although, I knew how well people were doing at Taylored Legacy and Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company, I had no idea if I could be successful in sales. I was told that if I followed the scripts verbatim and presented with passion, confidence, and emotion that this would be easy.

Now, I know this may not be the job for everyone. I, too, was skeptical; however, I learned the program, memorized the script, and used it every time I was in the field. I ended up being in the top 5% throughout my first 5 months. I made $40K + upfront with no previous sales experience. My personal plan is to make $150K in 2012, and I have everything I need to make that happen. If you have the drive, determination, and willingness to follow our program I’ll see you at the top.

Nate B. - Regional Manager

Final Expense! What more can I say besides unique! I could say stable, lucrative, or booming. But those are just the words that describe how the Final Expense market is unique.

My testimony might differ from the others on this site. I guess you could say that I too am unique. I didn’t come from the mortgage industry. I never sold health insurance or auto insurance. I was born into this business. Just like my father before me, and his father before him. Three generations of Final Expense men. It’s this unique perspective that gives me the passion I have for my company.

Taylored Legacy has given my family generations of wealth and stability in the Final Expense market. The opportunity was described to me best by a seasoned agent named Richard Osuna just before I started. He said: “Nathan. If you’re looking for a company that is going to pick you up and carry you your whole life, this company is not for you. However, if you’re the type of person that has always been held back by your employer, then it’s the best place you can be. With Taylored Legacy, you can spread your wings and reach your full potential. They will never hold you back and the sky is the limit!”

That truly has been my experience with Taylored Legacy Insurance Services. January 2012, my first month as a district manager, is when I spread my wings and reached for the sky. There were only three of us that month and we wrote $32,000 AP. Within three months, my district had nearly doubled in size and reached almost $60,000. Fast forward to January 2015. After completing my second full year as an agency, I was promoted to Regional Manager with over $2,000,000 for the year in annualized premium.

With the help of Taylored Legacy, I will continue to increase my business in the Final Expense market. I will always remember what I was told:

“The sky is the limit!”

John Burke - Regional Manager

I began this journey at the tail end of the year in 2011. Having made $17,600 in commission in my first 60 days, I quickly came to realize I had caught onto a system that would bring me well into the financial freedom it had promised. Within my first 12 months, I made $124k and within just a year and a half, I was promoted to manager. When asked the secret to my success, my answer is always the same… “All I have ever done is follow Adam’s system. Following that system has given me a raise every single quarter, without fail.” It really is that easy.

Dio Ramirez - District Manager

Thank you Mike Stambaugh, Adam Hale, and Taylored Legacy/Lincoln Heritage Family! I can say without any doubt that I am blessed to have been presented the opportunity to join this wonderful business back at the end of 2011, when I was at my lowest place financially. I too was a victim of the real estate business and market. At one point I was running my own commercial brokerage firm and eventually I had to shut it down.

I was fortunate enough to have met Mike Stambaugh years ago in the real estate business and we became friends. Now…I must say that I am very skeptical, but Mike is 10 times more skeptical than I am and I knew if he was working this business that it has to be 100% real! Sure enough, after I obtained my license, followed the system like we teach, and began working hard, I achieved the exact results that were promised to me from day one… And we/I haven’t even scratched the surface yet! I have been “through the ringer” with so many other different businesses out there and I can assure anyone that this is the best! I will never look back on anything else and I am here for life. There is no “BS” here, what you see is what you get.

The support system is incredible, the demand for our product is growing and we have a proven system in place that has been successful for over 50 years! As I write this (April 2015), I have already doubled my income and I am on pace to triple it this year! No Joke! Where else can you help people every day, run your own business, and consistently increase your income? Just Plug In!

Terry Richard - District Manager/Managing Agent

After working 10 years in the mortgage industry, and in the midst of the financial crisis seeing people lose their homes to foreclosure and bad loans, it was time for me to make a change. I decided to pursue a career in insurance, so I studied and got my life insurance license.

Soon after getting licensed I was introduced to Adam Hale and the Taylored Legacy Insurance Agency during one of Adam’s classroom trainings in Burbank, CA in November 2010. I was very impressed with Adam’s personal success and what Taylored Legacy was doing to train and support their agents, so I completed a contract and soon went out with Adam to train in the field. Wow! What an amazing experience, I saw an opportunity with enormous potential!

After the Holidays, in January 2011, I was able to get going full blast learning the business of final expense life insurance. Adam and the Taylored Legacy staff were incredibly helpful and supportive. I was also in regular contact with Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company with underwriting questions and everyone on the phone was so helpful and truly took the time to explain everything, which I very much appreciated.

Although I got off to a slow start in the beginning, writing less than $5k per month in annual production (AP), it wasn’t long before the proverbial “light bulb” went ON! and WOW! I realized I had to run this like a business, by taking as many leads as I could work, getting referrals, doing group presentations and basically “Keeping It Moving.” With this new insight I began to write over $10k, $20k, and as much as $41k in a month. Yes! I became one of Adam’s top producers and was soon promoted to area manager. Since then I have also won bonuses and contests, including trips to Cabo San Lucas, Panama and a trip to Germany, to name a few.

Now, approaching my 5th year with the Agency, I am a District Manager overseeing agents in Southern California, Illinois and Wisconsin. As a manager, I am a strong believer in setting and pursuing goals, and encouraging agents to set goals to attain their own individual business and personal success. My current goal is to build my agency’s production to over $500k in AP within the next two years. I intend to reach this goal through hard work, running everything like a business, and helping as many agents as possible to reach their goals. After all, as the saying goes “a rising tide lifts all boats!” The sky’s the limit and there is NO ceiling on our income!

Howard Gire - Agent

I had been a loan officer with a mortgage company for 3 years, when the market slowed and we were let go. My manager came to Lincoln Heritage and told me about it. Wow, what a blessing this opportunity has been for me and my family!

I pastor a church, so already I have a lot on my plate. But with the flexibility and income this company offers, I couldn’t be more thankful!! If you listen to your manager, stick to the script, and trust the system, you can be successful! It definitely takes work and determination! But if you’re willing, this field will reward you... You’re not held back by a lack of formal education, degrees, or difficult prerequisites, all you need is a license and dedication… In my 1st year and a half, I have been on a cruise and qualified for 2 other vacations! I’m not bragging, just saying that the benefits are real! Not to mention excellent medical and dental benefits for qualifying agents.

Our team is awesome. Lincoln Heritage, Taylored Legacy… and specifically Adam Hale, and my manager John Burke… have been and done everything that they have promised me! There are many other great managers with our team as well!

In 2014, I worked for 10 months and grossed 104k! Through the first 8 months of 2015, I’m real close to 140k; averaging about 10k or more a month in my bank (NOT gross)! Obviously we’re very thankful for what this opportunity has allowed us to do.

So what am I saying? With the right company, leadership, and system… not to mention an awesome product, (one that my wife and I, and her parents have ourselves) what’s not to love?! Come and grow with us…

Eric Hair - District Manager

I’m Eric Hair North Florida District Manager, my previous career I as a Golf Course Superintendent for 16 years. In 2008 the golf industry suffered during the economic recession. I have a wife and two daughters the youngest was in college at the time. I was driving 98 miles one way to work just to have a job because it was hard to find work in my field.

At the end of 2013 I was offered an opportunity to work for Lincoln Heritage/Taylored Legacy. My first month with the company I made more income than I did in 3 months at the golf course. By the end of April I made more than the entire previous year.

God has blessed me and my family with the best job that I have ever had, I am so thankful to be part of this wonderful company. Lincoln Heritage/Taylored Legacy, Adam Hale, and Caleb Hale together you all given me the best opportunity to have financial success.

Connie Montero - Managing Agent

I have been with Lincoln Heritage since September 30, 2013. Back then, my children were ages 4, 6 & 7. My child care was very dependable for the first 4 months but unfortunately fell apart soon after. In 2014, I worked very part-time for 6 months out of that year due to lack of childcare. Even working part-time half of the year, I made $86,548.01. As soon as I was able to secure solid childcare, I was still faced with the challenges of the kids schedule: summer vacation, sick days, holiday time off…not to mention there was still cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework and my aspirations to spend quality time with the kids, my husband and most importantly God.

Even though life seemed to be a bit of a whirlwind with so much going on, I still managed to gross $123,206.79 in 2015. I absolutely am 100% in love with what I do. There is no company I would rather work for and there is no other career I would rather have. I get to help others with something so priceless. I get to meet some really genuine and sweet people who truly care about protecting their loved ones. I get to make a difference and on top of all that, I get paid a pretty penny for doing it. Prior to working for Lincoln Heritage I was a stay at home mom for 6 years and before that I was a loan officer for Countrywide Home loans for 5 years. I had no prior life insurance background.

This is something that anyone with self-discipline and determination to succeed can do. But I would have to say, the driving force of the many agents who succeed here, the ace in our back pocket is the company we work for. You (the agent) provide the determination and self-discipline, and they provide everything else…it is that fantastic of an opportunity!

Join Our Team Today!


Taylored Legacy

514 Robertson Blvd

Chowchilla, CA 93610

Call Now: 1-800-840-0739



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